My skyline

June 27th, 2009. China
After the storm on Friday

After the storm on Friday

It is not the typical postcard Shanghai skyline with all the new towers, but it is the skyline I look out to every single day. Some days I cannot believe I live here. I live in China. I live in a really big city. Kind of an ugly city, but cool in its own way. Crazy.


Great picture Jaime!
I was wondering what theme you are using for your blog? is it wordpress? I really like the layout. its very clean and really lets all your great photos be the feature.


Hey Cindy. I’m glad you like the layout! I am using wordpress, and started out with the “Cutline” theme. But I have modified pretty much every detail personally to the point that it doesn’t look like Cutline any more. Now I call it “Shanghai”, but my theme writing skills aren’t nearly clean enough to share with other people!! So if you’re trying to clean up your own blog/website, I recommend starting with the cleanest theme you can find and make your own modifications as you need them. It has been a great learning process for me, but it has also taken quite a bit of time…and may not be for everyone!
I also recommend WordPress to anyone wanting to make their website their own. The interface and support are fantastic, and I have been able to do everything I have ever dreamed of after a little research.
Sorry….probably more than you ever wanted to know!

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