Yesterday, I had the itch to get out. It was sunny and I wanted to shop!! Nik wanted to work on his website, so I decided that I would take off on the motorbike after breakfast. I took a shower, got dressed, planned my route on the map, did the dishes, swept the floor, made the bed, looked at the map, folded my clothes, put on makeup, took out the trash, backed up my photos, looked at the map again…I know what you are thinking, “If she really had the itch…then why didn’t she just go?” Well, I have only driven the motorbike by myself twice. The first time was practice, and I did great for about an hour until I had to make a U-turn on a busy 4-lane highway. I took the turn too wide, and the bike fell over with me on it. I received a pretty deep cut on my right elbow, and I couldn’t get the bike to start again because I was shaking too much. Then the second time I drove by myself was to retrieve the hydrogen peroxide to clean Nik’s big toe after he stabbed it with the kick-stand and passed out in front of 7-Eleven. Needless to say, I was nervous about driving the bike. And when I get nervous, I procrastinate.
Once there was nothing else to do at the apartment, I collected my keys, cell phone, helmet, gloves, phrasebook, purse and nerves. I gave Nik a kiss and said I’d be back in a couple hours. I was off for a day of shopping!!
30 minutes later, I was back. I can’t do it. Driving that bike scares me so much that I couldn’t do it. My mother will be shocked to hear this story because as a child I never gave up and nothing ever scared me. Once, I fell ice skating and had a huge knot on my forehead, but I had to go back out for 8 more laps. When I’d fall of my bike, hit my head and scratch up my knees, I was always back on before the other kids even knew I fell. Well mom, I am getting older and my nerves are finally sensitive. This means that I can’t go many places by myself here in Chiang Mai, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. There are too many obsticles, and too many streets for me to get lost on. And if I did, I couldn’t ask for help because I don’t speak the language. It is not worth my nerves, and Nik’s, for me to ride alone.
After I settled down, we decided to go downtown for lunch. Nik drove, and I was very happy to be the passenger! After lunch we walked to the Chiang Mai Arts and Culture Center where we had seen a marching band complete with flag team preparing for a parade. It turns out that it was an advertising parade for a local bank!!

Advertising Parade...for the Kasikorn Bank
Nik was still anxious to work on his website, and I was still itching to shop and wander, so we decided to go our seperate ways and meet at the park 2 hours later. Nik left on motorbike, and I took off on foot. Here is what I saw…

The circles of life...House Wall, Dangerous Intersection, An abandoned game of Bottlecap Checkers, Broken Street Lamp

Houses of Old Town...The styles, colors, architecture, water towers, mail boxes, gates...all unique to this Thai Culture.

Everything Matches...even the bigwheel.

Common Elements...Backup Water Tank, Post Box, House #, Homemade Security Fence

Nature in the Built Environment...Lizards roam freely, Ornamental Blooms, Beautiful Weeds, A bouquet with Blue Orchids

Look High...For Commando Gear and Travel Shampoo. Look Low...For discarded Drink Boxes and Drying Fish.

Wat Pan Whaen...Beautiful White Chedi, Golden Doors, VW Van with no Roof, The sign

Buak Hat Public Park...The sky, My current read: The River at the Center of the World by Simon Winchester, Rented 10Bhat Bamboo Matt for 2, Nik

A Bouquet for You...of Handheld Fish Nets!
The day started out with nerves and ended with pure happiness!!!